101 Best Brené Brown Quotes in 2024

Last updated on August 30th, 2024 at 07:08 pm

This article presents a collection of the most impactful Brené Brown Quotes, each offering valuable lessons on personal growth and emotional well-being.

Brené Brown, a renowned researcher and author, has profoundly impacted our understanding of vulnerability, courage, and empathy.

Through her insightful Brené Brown Quotes, Brown encourages individuals to live wholeheartedly and face life’s challenges with resilience and grace.

About Vulnerability

“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights that vulnerability is about bravery and showing up authentically, regardless of the outcome.

“The willingness to show up changes us. It makes us a little braver each time.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that regularly embracing vulnerability fosters personal growth and courage.

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.”

Author: Brené Brown

Suggests that embracing vulnerability is essential for fostering creativity and driving meaningful change.

“If we can share our story with someone who responds with empathy and understanding, shame can’t survive.”

Author: Brené Brown

Points out that sharing our struggles with empathetic others can diminish feelings of shame.

“The most dangerous thing we can do is get busy, busy, busy, and not look up for a while.”

Author: Brené Brown

Warns against becoming so preoccupied with tasks that we neglect to address our vulnerabilities and emotions.

“We cannot selectively numb emotions; when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions.”

Author: Brené Brown

Explains that avoiding painful emotions also diminishes our capacity to experience joy and happiness.

“Vulnerability is the core of all emotions and feelings. To be alive is to be vulnerable.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights that vulnerability is an intrinsic part of the human experience and essential to feeling alive.

“When we deny our vulnerabilities, we are not only denying a part of ourselves but also limiting our capacity for connection.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that avoiding vulnerability hinders our ability to connect deeply with others.

“To be courageous is to be vulnerable. It is to stand in the face of fear and face it.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines courage as embracing vulnerability and confronting fears head-on.

“There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.”

Author: Brené Brown

Asserts that embracing vulnerability and accepting failure are crucial for fostering creativity and innovation.

About Courage

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines courage as the act of presenting ourselves authentically and openly.

“The only way to deal with fear is to face it head-on and take action.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages confronting fears directly rather than avoiding them.

“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort, but you cannot have both.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights the choice between embracing discomfort for growth or seeking easy, but less fulfilling, paths.

“Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the ability to act in the presence of fear.”

Author: Brené Brown

Differentiates courage from fearlessness, emphasizing that courage involves acting despite fear.

“The opposite of scarcity is not abundance; it is enough.”

Author: Brené Brown

Suggests that the antidote to feelings of scarcity is recognizing and appreciating that we have enough.

“You’re imperfect, you’re wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.”

Author: Brené Brown

Affirms that imperfection and struggle are part of the human experience and do not diminish our worthiness.

“One of the greatest challenges of our time is to create a culture where we can be real with each other.”

Author: Brené Brown

Advocates for building environments where authenticity and vulnerability are encouraged and valued.

“If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages taking risks to achieve extraordinary results, rather than settling for mediocrity.

“To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes the warmth and fulfillment that come from deep, reciprocal relationships.

“Brave is not the absence of fear. Brave is the ability to move forward in the face of fear.”

Author: Brené Brown

Reiterates that bravery involves continuing to act despite experiencing fear.

About Empathy

“Empathy is not about fixing, it’s about understanding.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that empathy involves listening and understanding rather than attempting to solve problems.

“We need to stop trying to fix people and start learning how to be with them.”

Author: Brené Brown

Advocates for offering support and presence rather than attempting to immediately resolve others’ difficulties.

“Empathy fuels connection. Sympathy drives disconnection.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights that empathy creates meaningful connections, while sympathy can create distance and separation.

“When we’re feeling vulnerable, the only way to move forward is to let others see us.”

Author: Brené Brown

Suggests that openness and visibility are key to overcoming vulnerability and building connections.

“Empathy is the antidote to shame. The two most powerful words when we’re in struggle are ‘me too.’”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes how shared experiences and empathetic responses can alleviate feelings of shame.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages finding personal fulfillment and identity through serving and connecting with others.

“Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”

Author: Brené Brown

Affirms that forming deep connections with others is central to finding purpose and meaning.

“It’s hard to hate someone close up. Move in. Get to know them. Work with them.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages fostering understanding and compassion through closer personal interactions.

“For connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights the importance of vulnerability and visibility in forming authentic connections.

“Empathy involves being vulnerable, not trying to solve problems.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that empathy requires openness and acceptance rather than problem-solving.

About Shame and Self-Worth

“Shame is the most powerful, master emotion. It’s the fear that we’re not good enough.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes shame as a profound and paralyzing emotion rooted in feelings of inadequacy.

“You are worthy of love and belonging. You are enough.”

Author: Brené Brown

Affirms that everyone deserves love and acceptance, regardless of imperfections.

“Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change.”

Author: Brené Brown

Explains how shame undermines our belief in our ability to grow and improve.

“We are all worthy of love and belonging. All of us.”

Author: Brené Brown

Reinforces the universal nature of worthiness and the right to love and acceptance.

“When we are amid shame, it is important to remember that we are not alone.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights the importance of recognizing shared experiences to combat feelings of isolation and shame.

“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages embracing and accepting our personal experiences rather than avoiding them.

“When we deny our own stories, they define us. When we own our stories, we get to write the ending.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes the power of taking control of our narratives to shape our futures.

“The most important thing to remember is that we are all human and we are all worthy of love and belonging.”

Author: Brené Brown

Reiterates the fundamental worthiness of all individuals, regardless of their experiences or struggles.

“Shame is a soul-eating emotion. It makes us feel that we are not worthy of love and belonging.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes shame as an emotion that deeply affects our sense of self-worth and belonging.

“Self-worth is a deep belief that you are deserving of love and belonging, regardless of your circumstances.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines self-worth as an intrinsic belief in our value and deservingness of love and acceptance.

About Leadership

“Great leaders are those who lead with vulnerability and authenticity.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights that effective leadership involves being open and genuine.

“A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in people and ideas, and dares to develop that potential.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines leadership as recognizing and nurturing potential in others while having the courage to foster growth.

“If you want to be a leader, you need to be able to stand in the arena and take a hit.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that leadership involves facing challenges and criticism head-on.

“True leadership is about creating a space where people feel safe to be vulnerable and authentic.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes effective leadership as fostering an environment where individuals feel secure enough to be their true selves.

“Leadership is not about being in charge. It is about taking care of those in your charge.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines leadership as prioritizing the well-being and development of others over personal authority.

“To lead people, you need to be willing to get in the trenches with them.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages leaders to engage actively with their teams and share their experiences.

“Leaders who are courageous are not afraid to ask for help, to show vulnerability, and to admit when they don’t have all the answers.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights that courageous leaders are those who seek support and acknowledge their limitations.

“Leadership is about being willing to be vulnerable and having the courage to create a space for others to do the same.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that fostering vulnerability in others is a key aspect of effective leadership.

“The best leaders are those who are willing to admit mistakes and learn from them.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines effective leadership as including the ability to acknowledge and learn from errors.

“Being a leader means being willing to be uncomfortable and to stand up for what is right, even when it’s difficult.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes leadership as involving bravery and the willingness to face discomfort in pursuit of justice.

About Authenticity

“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines authenticity as the process of releasing societal expectations and embracing our true selves.

“Being authentic means living our truth, and not worrying about what other people think.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages living by our true selves rather than being concerned with others’ opinions.

“When we show up and let ourselves be seen, we are living our most authentic selves.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that being open and visible is key to living authentically.

“The more we practice being authentic, the more we build our capacity to embrace our imperfections.”

Author: Brené Brown

Suggests that authenticity grows with practice and helps us accept our imperfections.

“Authenticity requires vulnerability, which is not a weakness, but a source of strength.”

Author: Brené Brown

Reframes vulnerability as a crucial component of authenticity and personal strength.

“To be authentic, we must be willing to be seen and be brave enough to be imperfect.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages embracing our imperfections and allowing ourselves to be seen as we truly are.

“Authenticity is the act of being true to who you are and letting go of who you think you’re supposed to be.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights the importance of releasing societal expectations in favor of being true to oneself.

“Living authentically means having the courage to be imperfect and to show up as you are.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines living authentically as embracing imperfections and presenting oneself honestly.

“When we are authentic, we create a space where others feel safe to be themselves.”

Author: Brené Brown

Points out that our authenticity can encourage others to be genuine as well.

“Authenticity is a way of life that requires continuous practice and self-reflection.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes authenticity as an ongoing practice of self-awareness and honesty.

About Resilience

“Resilience is not about bouncing back; it’s about moving forward in the face of adversity.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines resilience as the ability to progress despite challenges, rather than merely recovering from setbacks.

“The key to resilience is to stay curious and open to learning from our struggles.”

Author: Brené Brown

Suggests that curiosity and openness are essential for building resilience.

“Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and to adapt to new challenges.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes resilience as the ability to adapt and recover from challenges effectively.

“Resilience involves embracing vulnerability and learning to navigate uncertainty.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights that resilience requires embracing uncertainty and vulnerability.

“Our ability to grow and adapt in the face of adversity is what defines our resilience.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that resilience is demonstrated through growth and adaptation during tough times.

“Building resilience requires us to face our fears and take action despite them.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages confronting fears directly and taking action to strengthen resilience.

“Resilience is forged through our ability to stay grounded and connected during difficult times.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes resilience as maintaining grounding and connection amidst adversity.

“To be resilient, we must acknowledge our emotions and work through them with courage.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights the importance of acknowledging and addressing emotions as part of resilience.

“Resilience is a mindset that allows us to see challenges as opportunities for growth.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines resilience as a perspective that views challenges as opportunities for personal development.

“Resilience is not about avoiding difficulties but about learning to thrive despite them.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that resilience involves thriving and growing despite encountering difficulties.

About Self-Compassion

“Self-compassion is about treating ourselves with the same kindness we would offer to a good friend.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines self-compassion as extending the same kindness and understanding to ourselves that we offer to friends.

“Self-compassion means embracing our imperfections and treating ourselves with empathy.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages recognizing and accepting our flaws with empathy and kindness.

“The more we practice self-compassion, the more we strengthen our ability to face difficulties.”

Author: Brené Brown

Suggests that self-compassion enhances our resilience and ability to handle challenges.

“Self-compassion is not about self-indulgence but about recognizing our worth and treating ourselves with respect.”

Author: Brené Brown

Distinguishes self-compassion from self-indulgence, emphasizing respect for oneself.

“To practice self-compassion, we must first acknowledge our suffering and respond with kindness.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights the need to recognize and address our suffering with a compassionate response.

“Self-compassion involves recognizing that we are not alone in our struggles and that it’s okay to be imperfect.”

Author: Brené Brown

Points out that acknowledging shared human experiences is a key aspect of self-compassion.

“Being kind to ourselves in moments of failure helps us build resilience and self-worth.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that self-kindness during failures is crucial for developing resilience and self-esteem.

“Self-compassion is the practice of giving ourselves the same love and understanding we would give to others.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages treating ourselves with the same love and understanding we offer others.

“To be self-compassionate, we must accept our flaws and imperfections without judgment.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines self-compassion as accepting our imperfections without self-criticism.

“Self-compassion allows us to acknowledge our mistakes without losing our sense of worth.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights that self-compassion helps maintain our self-worth despite acknowledging mistakes.

About Courageous Leadership

“Courageous leadership is about standing up for what is right, even when it’s difficult.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines courageous leadership as advocating for righteousness despite challenges.

“Leading with courage means being honest about your fears and challenges, and still moving forward.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes honesty about fears and challenges as a hallmark of courageous leadership.

“Courageous leaders create environments where people feel safe to speak up and be heard.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes creating safe spaces for open communication as a key trait of courageous leaders.

“To lead courageously, one must embrace vulnerability and lead by example.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights that courageous leadership involves modeling vulnerability and authenticity.

“Courageous leadership involves making difficult decisions and standing by them with integrity.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines courageous leadership as making and adhering to tough decisions with honesty.

“True leadership is about inspiring others to be their best selves and supporting them through challenges.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes inspiring and supporting others as central to effective leadership.

“Courageous leaders are those who are willing to have difficult conversations and address tough issues.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes addressing challenging topics and having tough conversations as aspects of courageous leadership.

“Leading with courage means acknowledging your imperfections and creating space for others to do the same.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages leaders to be open about their imperfections and foster the same openness in others.

“Courageous leadership requires being open to feedback and willing to learn from it.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights the importance of accepting and learning from feedback as part of courageous leadership.

“A courageous leader creates a culture where vulnerability is valued and respected.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines courageous leadership as establishing a culture that values and respects vulnerability.

About Personal Growth

“Personal growth involves embracing discomfort and challenging ourselves to change.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines personal growth as accepting discomfort and pushing ourselves to evolve.

“Growth comes from stepping outside of our comfort zones and taking risks.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes that stepping out of comfort zones and taking risks are crucial for personal growth.

“To grow personally, we must be willing to confront our fears and face our vulnerabilities.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights the need to address fears and vulnerabilities as part of personal growth.

“Personal growth is a journey of self-discovery and continuous learning.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes personal growth as an ongoing process of self-discovery and learning.

“True personal growth occurs when we challenge our beliefs and embrace new perspectives.”

Author: Brené Brown

Suggests that questioning our beliefs and considering new viewpoints are essential for growth.

“Personal growth requires self-awareness and a willingness to change old habits.”

Author: Brené Brown

Defines personal growth as involving self-awareness and altering unhelpful habits.

“Growth involves being open to feedback and using it to improve ourselves.”

Author: Brené Brown

Emphasizes openness to feedback as a key element of personal growth.

“The journey of personal growth is about becoming more of who we truly are.”

Author: Brené Brown

Highlights that personal growth is about uncovering and embracing our authentic selves.

“Personal growth is not a destination but a continuous process of evolving and learning.”

Author: Brené Brown

Describes personal growth as an ongoing process rather than a final goal.

“To achieve personal growth, we must be willing to step into the unknown and trust the process.”

Author: Brené Brown

Encourages embracing uncertainty and trusting the growth journey as part of personal development.

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