Most Memorable Iris Apfel Quotes for You in 2024

In this collection, we’ve gathered some of her most memorable Iris Apfel Quotes, each offering a glimpse into her philosophy.

Iris Apfel, the legendary fashion icon, is celebrated not just for her unique style but also for her wisdom in living a bold and vibrant life.

Whether you’re looking for inspiration or just a touch of her whimsical charm, these Iris Apfel Quotes are sure to resonate with anyone who values individuality and self-expression.

Embrace Individuality

“When you don’t dress like everyone else, you don’t have to think like everyone else.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris emphasizes the importance of expressing yourself through fashion. By dressing uniquely, you also free your mind from conformist thinking.

“Fashion you can buy, but style you possess. The key to style is learning who you are, which takes years. There’s no how-to road map to style. It’s about self-expression and, above all, attitude.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Here, Iris distinguishes between fashion and style. She believes that true style comes from self-awareness and confidence.

“I don’t have any rules because I would only be breaking them.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris’s rebellious spirit shines through in this quote. She believes in living without self-imposed restrictions, especially in fashion.

“You have to look in the mirror and see yourself. If you look in the mirror and see somebody else, it’s time to find out why and correct the problem.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote speaks to the importance of authenticity. Iris encourages self-reflection to ensure that your external appearance aligns with your true self.

“Style is attitude, attitude, attitude.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris succinctly conveys that style is more about how you carry yourself than the clothes you wear.

“More is more, and less is a bore.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Known for her bold and maximalist style, Iris’s motto encourages embracing excess and rejecting minimalism.

“I never expected to be pretty—I just always thought I’d be stylish.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris shares her focus on developing personal style rather than conforming to traditional beauty standards.

“You have to be interested. If you’re not interested, you can’t be interesting.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote highlights the importance of curiosity and engagement with the world to develop a fascinating personality.

“If you’re not interested, you’re not interesting.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris reiterates that a lack of curiosity or engagement with the world diminishes one’s ability to be captivating to others.

“It’s better to be happy than well-dressed.”

Author: Iris Apfel

While Iris is known for her fashion, she emphasizes that true happiness is more important than how one looks.

The Importance of Self-Expression

“If your hair is done properly and you’re wearing good shoes, you can get away with anything.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris humorously suggests that confidence in a few key aspects of your appearance can make all the difference.

“You have to be true to yourself. You have to know what you’re good at and what you’re not.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Self-awareness and honesty with oneself are crucial for genuine self-expression, according to Iris.

“A sense of humor is a major defense against minor troubles.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advises using humor to navigate life’s challenges, emphasizing its role in maintaining a positive attitude.

“Great personal style is an extreme curiosity about yourself.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris ties personal style to self-discovery, suggesting that exploring who you are is key to developing a distinctive look.

“The worst fashion faux pas is to look in the mirror and see somebody else.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote serves as a reminder to stay true to oneself rather than trying to emulate others.

“I think people should express themselves in a way that makes them happy.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages personal expression, emphasizing the importance of finding joy in how you present yourself to the world.

“You have to be comfortable in your skin; it’s all very well being glamorous, but it’s more important to feel good.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Comfort and confidence in one’s own body and style are more valuable than simply looking glamorous, according to Iris.

“I think you can be attractive at any age, but it’s more important to be vital and interested in things.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Vitality and curiosity are the true keys to attractiveness, rather than youth or conventional beauty.

“There’s no road map to style; it’s about self-expression and, above all, attitude.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris believes that style is personal and comes from a combination of self-expression and confidence.

“When something excites you, go for it.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages pursuing passions and interests without hesitation, emphasizing the importance of enthusiasm in life.

Fashion as Art

“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris broadens the definition of fashion, seeing it as a reflection of culture and lifestyle, not just clothing.

“Jewelry is the most transformative thing you can wear.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris, known for her love of accessories, believes jewelry has the power to change an entire look.

“I think dressing up or down should be a creative experience.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris views fashion as a form of art, where dressing is an opportunity for creative expression.

“I never met a color I didn’t like.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris’s love for vibrant colors is evident here, showing her appreciation for the entire spectrum.

“Color can raise the dead.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris humorously expresses the revitalizing power of color in fashion and life.

“Life is gray and dull; you might as well have a little fun when you dress.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages adding excitement to life through bold fashion choices, countering the mundanity of everyday life.

“I think jewelry can change an outfit more than anything else.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Accessories, particularly jewelry, hold a special place in Iris’s style philosophy as transformative elements of fashion.

“Dressing up is like therapy; I feel better in nice clothes.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris sees fashion as a form of self-care, with the power to uplift one’s mood.

“I like individuality in fashion—it’s just a way of expressing oneself.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris emphasizes that fashion should be a personal statement, reflecting who you are.

“I think every day should be a celebration of individuality.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris believes in celebrating personal style and uniqueness daily through fashion.

The Power of Accessories

“Accessories are like vitamins to fashion—as such, you should use them liberally.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris compares accessories to essential supplements in fashion, suggesting they can enhance any outfit significantly.

“The right accessories can change everything.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote highlights the transformative power of well-chosen accessories in elevating an outfit.

“Put your money into accessories. You could create a million different looks.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advises investing in accessories, as they allow for endless possibilities in personalizing your style.

“I don’t dress to be stared at. I dress for myself.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote reflects Iris’s belief that fashion should be a personal expression, not dictated by others’ opinions.

“A good pair of sunglasses can take your look from drab to fab.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris emphasizes how a single accessory, like sunglasses, can instantly elevate your appearance.

“Scarves are my best friends.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Known for her love of scarves, Iris views them as versatile accessories that can complement any outfit.

“A little bit of bling never hurt anyone.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advocates for adding a touch of sparkle to your look, believing it can enhance your style.

“I always say, if you’re feeling dull, put on some earrings.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris suggests that something as simple as earrings can brighten your mood and elevate your look.

“Shoes are the punctuation mark in your outfit.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote underscores the importance of shoes in completing and defining an outfit.

“I never met an accessory I didn’t like.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris expresses her love for accessories, indicating that she finds value in every piece she encounters.

Creativity and Innovation

“Creativity comes with freedom and the courage to make mistakes.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris believes that true creativity requires the freedom to experiment and the willingness to embrace failure.

“When you create, you don’t care about what people think.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote highlights the importance of focusing on personal expression rather than seeking approval from others.

“To be creative, you have to have an open mind and be willing to try new things.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages openness and experimentation as essential components of the creative process.

“I believe in doing the unexpected. That’s what keeps you alive.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advocates for unpredictability and innovation as key elements of vibrant life and creative expression.

“I like to mix things up—different eras, different styles, different textures. That’s where the magic happens.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris sees creativity in the combination of diverse elements, which can lead to unique and magical outcomes.

“The world would be so dull if everyone looked and thought the same.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris values diversity in thought and appearance, believing it brings excitement and vibrancy to life.

“I never follow trends; I prefer to create my own.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris emphasizes the importance of being a trendsetter rather than a follower, valuing originality over conformity.

“Good taste doesn’t have to mean boring. It’s about mixing high and low, old and new.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris promotes the idea of blending various elements to create a unique and dynamic style, rather than adhering to traditional notions of taste.

“The key to success in creativity is not being afraid to fail.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris stresses that taking risks and being unafraid of failure is crucial to achieving creative success.

“I think we all need a little bit of fantasy in our lives.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris believes in the power of imagination and fantasy to add color and excitement to everyday life.

The Importance of Humor

“If you can’t laugh at yourself, you’re in big trouble.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris underscores the importance of self-deprecating humor as a way to maintain perspective and joy in life.

“Humor is a great way to stay youthful.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris views humor as a tool for staying young at heart, keeping life light and enjoyable.

“I’ve always had a sense of humor, and I think it’s gotten me through life.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote reflects Iris’s belief that a good sense of humor is essential for navigating life’s ups and downs.

“Laughter is the best accessory.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris metaphorically refers to laughter as an accessory, emphasizing its importance in enhancing life.

“People who take themselves too seriously are often the most boring.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris suggests that those who lack humor often lack charm, making them less interesting.

“Sometimes you just have to laugh at the absurdity of it all.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote captures Iris’s ability to find humor in life’s absurdities, which helps her maintain a positive outlook.

“Fashion is fun, and so is life—don’t take either too seriously.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages a light-hearted approach to both fashion and life, believing that both should be enjoyed.

“I always try to see the funny side of things.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote reflects Iris’s tendency to approach life with a humorous perspective, finding amusement even in challenging situations.

“Life is too short to be miserable. Laugh more.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advocates for prioritizing happiness and laughter, as life is too brief to dwell on negativity.

“A good joke is worth a million dollars.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris values humor highly, equating a good laugh with immense wealth.

Confidence and Self-Assurance

“Confidence. If you have it, you can make anything look good.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris emphasizes that confidence is the key to pulling off any look, regardless of the clothes or accessories.

“The best thing you can wear is confidence.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote highlights that no outfit is complete without the self-assurance that brings it to life.

“You can’t be somebody else. You have to be yourself.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advises embracing who you are rather than trying to emulate others, as true confidence comes from authenticity.

“You’re only as good as you think you are.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris suggests that self-perception plays a significant role in how others perceive you, making confidence crucial.

“The more you believe in yourself, the more you can achieve.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris connects self-belief with the ability to reach one’s goals, emphasizing the power of a confident mindset.

“Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not good enough.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages resilience in the face of criticism, urging individuals to trust their worth and capabilities.

“Confidence is the best accessory.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Similar to her other quotes on confidence, Iris sees it as the most important element in any outfit or personal presentation.

“Believe in yourself, and others will believe in you.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris suggests that self-confidence can inspire others to have confidence in you as well.

“Don’t be afraid to stand out.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages embracing individuality and being confident enough to distinguish oneself from the crowd.

“True beauty comes from confidence and a strong sense of self.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris believes that real beauty is rooted in self-assurance and a deep understanding of who you are.

Wisdom on Aging

“Aging is only a number, and you can be vibrant at any age.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris dismisses age as merely a number, focusing instead on maintaining vitality and spirit regardless of one’s years.

“The secret to staying young is to keep your mind active.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris shares her belief that mental engagement is key to feeling youthful and energetic.

“It’s not about age; it’s about attitude.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris stresses that a positive attitude is far more important than age in determining how one experiences life.

“If you’re passionate, age doesn’t matter.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages people to pursue their passions, regardless of their age, as enthusiasm is timeless.

“Age is just a number; it’s the energy you bring that counts.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris highlights the importance of energy and vitality over the number of years lived.

“I don’t think of myself as old; I think of myself as experienced.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris reframes aging as gaining experience, focusing on the positives that come with time.

“I’ve had more fun as I’ve gotten older.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris shares that aging has brought her more joy and freedom, contrary to common stereotypes about getting older.

“You’re never too old to try something new.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages lifelong learning and exploration, believing that age should never limit one’s curiosity.

“Age gracefully, but don’t let it define you.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advocates for accepting aging while not allowing it to dictate one’s identity or choices.

“The best part about getting older is the wisdom you gain.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris views aging as an opportunity to acquire wisdom, which she considers a valuable asset.

Living Boldly

“I don’t do things halfway. If I’m in, I’m all in.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris’s approach to life is characterized by full commitment and a refusal to do things by halves.

“Live with intention, not by default.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advises being purposeful in your actions and decisions rather than living passively.

“If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space.”

Author: Iris Apfel

This quote reflects Iris’s belief in taking risks and living boldly, rather than playing it safe.

“Be fearless in pursuing what sets your soul on fire.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages fearlessness in chasing after your passions and dreams, no matter how daunting they may seem.

“Don’t be afraid to break the rules—sometimes that’s where the best ideas come from.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advocates for creativity and innovation, which often require stepping outside of conventional boundaries.

“Life is too short to blend in.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages individuality and standing out from the crowd rather than conforming to societal norms.

“Take chances, make mistakes, that’s how you grow.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris sees risk-taking and making mistakes as essential components of personal growth and development.

“Never be afraid to be yourself.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris emphasizes the importance of authenticity and self-expression, regardless of others’ opinions.

“Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris believes that living boldly unleashes creativity, strength, and a certain kind of magic.

“The world needs more people who dare to be different.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris calls for more individuality and boldness, believing that these qualities enrich the world.

The Joy of Life

“Life is a celebration, and every day should be lived to the fullest.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages embracing life’s joys and making the most of every day.

“Find joy in the little things, and the big things will take care of themselves.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris believes that appreciating life’s small pleasures leads to a more fulfilled and happy life.

“I’ve always believed in celebrating everything.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris shares her philosophy of finding reasons to celebrate, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.

“Surround yourself with things that make you happy.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advises filling your life with objects, people, and experiences that bring you joy.

“Every day is an opportunity to create something beautiful.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris sees each day as a chance to contribute positively to the world, whether through art, fashion, or simple acts of kindness.

“Life is a series of moments; make them count.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris reminds us to be present and intentional, as life is composed of fleeting moments that we should cherish.

“You don’t need a reason to be happy.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris advocates for finding happiness in the simple fact of being alive, without needing a specific cause.

“The secret to a happy life is to do what you love and love what you do.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris believes that passion is the key to happiness and that pursuing what you love brings fulfillment.

“Don’t wait for tomorrow to start living.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris encourages taking action today and not putting off the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment.

“Happiness is a choice, not a destination.”

Author: Iris Apfel

Iris sees happiness as something you actively choose, rather than a goal you eventually reach.

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